This is a business website where users with the help of lots of unique blocks, can easily build a page without coding and quickly.
You can use our tool for the analysis the stock and also you can predict the price of stock. We use some of the best indicators for the analysis of the stock, Eg: Simple Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, Stochastic Oscillator, Commodity Channel Index And RSI. By analyzing these indicators you can predict the movement of the stock.
An App landing page which shows the features of your app on website.
Interface of a movie streaming app and also search for an option for your favourite movies.
Ecomerce website where user can view various products.
Created Razorpay Clone which is the only payments solution in India that allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite.
Responsive web application that allows users to write and preview markdown syntax in real-time
its a tracker that track our important tabs
A robot which follows a dark colored line with the help of sensors.
Landing page from a Figma project. Features include a responsive design and a mobile menu